Saturday, October 25, 2008

Belle's Bedroom

I am really bad at taking indoor pictures, especially trying to capture the overall look of a room, but here it is, anyway. If you can look past the messy bed and clutter...
I got another old window and put scrapbook paper behind it for a fake headboard. The letters were cut out by one of my former students and I painted, modpodged, and embellished them. I really like this wall.
You may think the second picture is meant to show how bad I am at faux-finish painting (It's not my fault, I swear. The walls have an insane amount of texture.) BUT the real purpose is to tell you a funny story. Belle was using the ledge around the room to showcase her collection of bells, rocks, knick-knacks, and toys and the clutter was driving me nuts. Even when her room was clean it looked like a mess. So I hung up the wall shelves and we arranged her collections and we put all the toys in her closet. I was admiring our work, thinking it looked pretty good, when she declared, "I look poor now!". Because she couldn't see everything she owned all at once, she thought it looked like she had nothing! Gotta love the perspective of an eight year-old.


Chris said...

Such a funny story! I love it!

Liz Harrell said...

What a sweet little bedroom!