Sunday, October 26, 2008

Homework Blues

Sunday night after a long weekend, lots of homework for the student and the teacher. We've both got the blues. That's where procrastination will get you. And look at me, blogging instead of grading. Great role model, huh?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Belle's Bedroom

I am really bad at taking indoor pictures, especially trying to capture the overall look of a room, but here it is, anyway. If you can look past the messy bed and clutter...
I got another old window and put scrapbook paper behind it for a fake headboard. The letters were cut out by one of my former students and I painted, modpodged, and embellished them. I really like this wall.
You may think the second picture is meant to show how bad I am at faux-finish painting (It's not my fault, I swear. The walls have an insane amount of texture.) BUT the real purpose is to tell you a funny story. Belle was using the ledge around the room to showcase her collection of bells, rocks, knick-knacks, and toys and the clutter was driving me nuts. Even when her room was clean it looked like a mess. So I hung up the wall shelves and we arranged her collections and we put all the toys in her closet. I was admiring our work, thinking it looked pretty good, when she declared, "I look poor now!". Because she couldn't see everything she owned all at once, she thought it looked like she had nothing! Gotta love the perspective of an eight year-old.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Be Happy Now.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

~Earl Nightingale

Monday, October 13, 2008

The simple things

I was driving home tonight, in a bad mood, after a long day at school. It was one of those moods where you're ready to just be mad, period. It didn't matter that 90% of my day was good. It didn't matter that my husband had just called to see if he could bring dinner home. I kept thinking about the exchange that changed my day (dwelling you might say) when I passed a row of fiery Maple trees and I thought, what's so bad? It may sound hokey, but I suddenly just felt grateful to be here and grateful for the beauty around me.

...But truthfully, it returned and I still can't shake the bad mood.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Halloween Craft

Here's another simple project that you can include the kids on. I've been seeing banners all over blogland, so here's my take on it.

I picked out some coordinating cardstock and trimmed to the size I wanted, then I let Belle sort them into the order she liked and attached the smaller squares. I had some black, glittery chipboard letters that we glued on. Then we punched holes to tie them together with ribbon and added a few Halloween stickers.

Love it! I think I'll be making some more seasonal banners.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall Project

This beauty is courtesy of my creative mother. On a weekend trip she collected some gorgeous leaves and birch branches and then my niece and Isabelle got to put together fall mobiles. I think this looks awesome in front of the mirror, but it would be great in a doorway or hanging from a light fixture as well. Just don't look too close or you might see the scotch tape we used to attach the leaves to the fishing line! I would have used the hot glue gun, but I wanted the girls to be able to do it all on their own.

Super simple and perfectly pretty if you ask me!
Thanks for the idea mom, and thanks for the fall decorations girls!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008


Two months since my last post?! Are you kidding me? Where has the time gone? Well, I guess I'll jump right back in to posting pictures.

Belle and I went out to the farm yesterday to pick pumpkins, it was a blast!